dimarts, 19 de desembre del 2017


Old Videogames or Moder Videogames

A video game is usually defined as a computer program used Entertainment for players.
Which, although it contains a part of what is a video game, leaves several aspects
to the tub. For example, not all video games serve for fun;
There are also some who can create a variety of emotions, such as,example, fier

Advantatges meder videojuegos
- Your striking interfaces and navigation details stimulate several senses at the same time.
- It makes it easier for users to be more active and participative, interacting with each other
- Promote and stimulate reasoning.
- It favors visual and manual coordination, stimulates memory and retention capacity.
- Encourages curiosity, and investigative, increases the attention and self control of the player

Inconveniences Moder videogames
It can generate addiction.
Using them in excess can cause rejection of books, CDs, etc.
They are expensive They generate sleep disorders

Advantages old video games
- they were cool
- You gastabes a currency to solve

Incombenences old video games
-What were difficult
-that they were usually in recreational areas

I choose modern videogames because they are a good form of entertainment preferred by many, and according to the experts, videogames develop the creativity of the boys. I mean that playing is not bad but you can play moderately or the kids neglect their duties and that it will be bad, and you also have to be careful with the games of the boys, since these are classified according to their ages (...)

 Resultat d'imatges de videojuegos modernos i videojuegos viejos


divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017


Shop assistant: Good morning. How can I help you?
Customer: Good morning. I would like to buy a new smarthphone.
Shop assistant: What type of smarthphone.
Customer: A samsung smartphone.
Shop assistant: What are you going to do with it?
Customer: Just send messatges, surf at websites, what a videos and talk.
Shop assistant: All right, so have a look at our catalogue. We have this model that I think is good for you. It is portable and small. It has good capacity and speed.
Customer: How mutch is it?
Shop assistant: It costs 300 euros .
Customer: the case  included in the price?
Shop assistant: No, it isn't. The charger, the hadphones. whe have another costs 370 euros .
Customer: And what's the difference.
Shop assistant: It has more capacity and it is faster then the previous one.
Customer: Ok, thank you. I think I'll get the chepaest one.

dilluns, 27 de novembre del 2017


Model: Lnovo Thinkpad X1
Gb: 128Gb
Screen: 14
Price: 1680€
Other: Brand: Lenovo
            Graphic card: 256Mb. Intel core i5
            RAM: 16GB
            Camera resolution: 720p 1080p
            Available colours: Black, white
            Accesories: Headphones, speakers


divendres, 17 de novembre del 2017


 El món actual està ple dels invents d'alta tecnologia sense els quals 
 la nostra vida seria gairebé impossible,
 ja que un paper que exerceixen avui dia és molt gran. La situació 
 va arribar fins al punt que la nostra vida
 va arribar a ser pràcticament depenen d’ells. no hi ha dubte que la vida 
 sense ells seria més difícil.

 One of the greatest inventions is undeniably a computer.
 Currently almost all people have their own computer that offers them
 a great variety of possibilities.
 First, we can write, count, make presentations, using appropriate programs.
 Thanks to this, it takes less time to write a book or an essay than before.
 The influence of new information technologies on human life is enormous. 
 Although they have a little risk involved, 
 there is no doubt that they make our lives easier and that it would be almost 
 impossible to live if they were caught


dilluns, 13 de novembre del 2017

Parts of a Computers

Resultat d'imatges de screen
Resultat d'imatges de speakers 


Resultat d'imatges de scanner
Imatge relacionada

Resultat d'imatges de tower computer

Resultat d'imatges de microphone


Resultat d'imatges de head phones
          Head phones

Resultat d'imatges de Mousepad
Resultat d'imatges de printer

Resultat d'imatges de webcam

Resultat d'imatges de laptop

Resultat d'imatges de tablet

Resultat d'imatges de smartphones

Resultat d'imatges de monitor

Resultat d'imatges de User trash
 User Trash

Resultat d'imatges de Joystick


divendres, 27 d’octubre del 2017

Writing: My life as student

I walk to school at 7:50. . My school is big. I'm study information tecnology is very dificult

dimecres, 4 d’octubre del 2017

- I study English on monday from 08:15 to 19:15 a.m. and also on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:15 to 11:15 a.m.

-I study Office sotfware on monday from 09:15 to 11:15 and also on Wednesday at 08:15 to 11:15 a.m.

-I study Operating Sistem on monday from 11:45 to 13:40 and also on Thursday at the same hour

-I study Computer maintenance on monday from 13:40 to 14:35 and also on Tuesday at the 11:45 to 13:40 and Thursday 08:15 to 11:15

-I study Networks on tuesday from 08:15 to 10:15 and also on Friday at the same hour

-I study Prefessional training from 11:45 to 13:40 and also on Friday at the 12:45 at 13:40

-I study Tutorial class from 11:45 to 12:45

My timetable
                           Monday          Tuesday       Wednesday      Thursday        Friday
Oficce software
Computer Maintenance
Office sotfware
break time
Operating Sistem
Computer Maintenance
Professional Training
Operating Sistem
Tutorial Class
Professional Training
Computer maintenance

diumenge, 24 de setembre del 2017

self introduction

my name is yassine im 17 years old i was born in moroco i have got 2 sister and 2 brothers my fhater works with the fruit and my mother dasent work my hoby is play basketbool and go aut with friends