divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017


Shop assistant: Good morning. How can I help you?
Customer: Good morning. I would like to buy a new smarthphone.
Shop assistant: What type of smarthphone.
Customer: A samsung smartphone.
Shop assistant: What are you going to do with it?
Customer: Just send messatges, surf at websites, what a videos and talk.
Shop assistant: All right, so have a look at our catalogue. We have this model that I think is good for you. It is portable and small. It has good capacity and speed.
Customer: How mutch is it?
Shop assistant: It costs 300 euros .
Customer: the case  included in the price?
Shop assistant: No, it isn't. The charger, the hadphones. whe have another costs 370 euros .
Customer: And what's the difference.
Shop assistant: It has more capacity and it is faster then the previous one.
Customer: Ok, thank you. I think I'll get the chepaest one.

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