divendres, 17 de novembre del 2017


 El món actual està ple dels invents d'alta tecnologia sense els quals 
 la nostra vida seria gairebé impossible,
 ja que un paper que exerceixen avui dia és molt gran. La situació 
 va arribar fins al punt que la nostra vida
 va arribar a ser pràcticament depenen d’ells. no hi ha dubte que la vida 
 sense ells seria més difícil.

 One of the greatest inventions is undeniably a computer.
 Currently almost all people have their own computer that offers them
 a great variety of possibilities.
 First, we can write, count, make presentations, using appropriate programs.
 Thanks to this, it takes less time to write a book or an essay than before.
 The influence of new information technologies on human life is enormous. 
 Although they have a little risk involved, 
 there is no doubt that they make our lives easier and that it would be almost 
 impossible to live if they were caught


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