dilluns, 28 de maig del 2018


league of legends

league of legends videogame released worldwide October 27, 2009. Two teams of powerful champions, each with a unique design and style of play, fight hand to hand on multiple battlefields and game modes. 

the servers were hosted in the company GOA

With a constantly expanding list of champions, frequent updates and a thriving tournament scene, League of Legends offers endless replayability for players of all skill levels.

the grafics are fantastic i the sound is fantastic every champion has his phrases 

dimarts, 22 de maig del 2018

Past simple

Past Simple

Las year, they trevelled to USA, New York, because they won some tickets to travel there. This was their dream. They visited the most important places of washington




-In my heart line freely expresses emotions and feelings

Image titled Read Palms Step 3Bullet6

-According to my line of any adventurer, and enthusiasm for life

Image titled Read Palms Step 4Bullet3 

-According to my life line, I often get tired of life

Image titled Read Palms Step 5Bullet1

-My destiny according to my palm is prone to many changes in the life of external forces

 Image titled Read Palms Step 6Bullet2